The Harlang and Toksvig Fund The Harlang og (and)
Toksvig Fund was founded in June of 1950 in the name of the
advertising agency of Frantz Harlang and Frithjalf Toksvig. These
gentlemen were very interested in the former Danish West Indies and
felt very strongly that slavery was wrong and should never have
happened. They also believed that the sale of the islands to the
United States should have taken place only after a vote by its
citizens. The purpose of their Foundation is to support culture. The
current Chairman of the foundation, Mr. Harlang, is the grandson of
Mr. Frantz Harlang.
Peter Soverin Hjardemaal, Grave # 4A
(January 7, 1816 to August 8, 1840)
"Født Januari 7 1816 død Augost 8 1840"
Hvilested af P.N.H. Hjardemaal, Grave #4B
(August 22, 1842 to June 1843)
"Født den 22 August 1842; Satrup, Slesvig; Død den 28 Junii 1843"
Niels Herman Hjardemaal, Grave #4C
(June 21, 1811 to January 1845)
"Født den 21de Junii 1811, Død den 21de Januari 1845"
Nicolai Severin Hjardemaal, Grave #4D
(September 21, 1774 to November 4, 1846)
"Født den 21de September, 1774; Død den 4de November, 1846"
Danish family (possibly Schleswig) came to St. Thomas about 1805 and established a successful
business which continued through the century. Two sisters (b. 1839 & 1841)
of this name married two brothers of the extensive
Simmons family. Later, both moved to Sweden.
Grave #5 - Illegible
Mrs. H. M. Worm, Grave #6A
(May 5, 1796 to October 26, 1867)
"Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. H. M. Worm, Born the 5th of May, 1796; died the 26th of
October 1867. Blessed be her memory."
Unknown, Grave #6B
"Lad de smaa Børn komme til mig, 7 Oktober 1908"
Harriet Mathilde (the dau of Abraham & Nancy Lindo) was the wife of Rasmus Petersen Worm, M.D., who
practiced medicine in Frederiksted, St. Croix, where he died in 1868. He was appointed Regimental Surgeon on
the Danish West India Forces by the King , 1826. They were the parents of seven children. A daughter, Maria
Henriette married at Frederiksted in 1842, Albert Heinrich Riise, a chemist, who was to establish the first apothecary on St. Thomas
(Apothecary Hall).
Ingeborg Augusta Arendrup, Grave #7
(May 18, 1880 to November 28, 1883) "Født i Kjøbenhavn, D. 18 Mai 1880, Død på St. Thomas D. 28
Novbr. 1883"
Daughter of Gov. Christian Henrik Arendrup and his wife, Almira Andrine Kiellerup
Illegible, Grave #8 |
The elaborate ironwork The
ornate gate of Grave #8. surrounding Grave #8. |
Christina Dorothea Bergest,Grave
#9 (May 16, 1855 to July 7, 1855) "Hier ruhet in Gott, Christina
Dorothea Bergeest, Geboren in Hamburg den 16 Mai, 1855, Gestorben den 7
Juli, 1855" |
Illegible - Grave #10 |
Illegible - Grave #11 |
Unmarked - Grave #12 |
Missing Plaque - Grave #13 |
Missing Plaque - Grave #14 |
Wilhelmine Dreyer - Grave #15 |
Unmarked - Grave #16A |
Hermann Wurach, Grave #16B,
(June 13, 1855 to January 1879), "Hier ruhet in Gott unser Heber Sonn, Herman Wiirach geb.zu Berlin d.
13. Juni 1855, gest d. 16 Januar 1879" |
Grave #17, "In memory of Frytendahl Friborg
D.M. . . . .19th Nov. 1810, .
.9th April 1888. . . . . been 60 years . . . . the government." |
Unmarked - Grave #18
Bernhard Michaelsen, Grave #19,
(Died January 26, 1903, Aged 42) "In memory of Bernhard Michaelsen, Died January 26 1903. Aged forty two years. Thy will be
done, O Lord."
William Marstrand, Grave #20 (Died March 28, 1903. Aged 29) "In memory of William Marstrand, Died March 28, 1903. Aged twenty nine years. Not mine, but
thine, O Lord."
Henry Warren, Royal Navy, Grave #21,
(Died June 20, 1853, Aged 58 years), "Sacred to the memory of Lieutenant Henry Warren,
R.N. Admiralty agent who died of yellow fever on the 20th of June, 1853, aged 58 years."
Nina Erichson, Grave #22, (1829 to 1876),
"Födt i Holten 1829-1876"
Thomas Williams Davies,
Grave #23
(Died September 9, 1843, Aged 18)
"Sacred to the memory of Thomas Williams Davies, Ensign in her
Britannic Majesty's 22. regiment
second son of Sir David Davies K.C.H.M.D. Who while returning to England
fell a victim in this
island to the West India fever at the early age of 18.
Sincerely lamented by his brother officers Sep.t. 9th 1841.
This tablet is erected by his sorrowing father, over the distant grave
of a dearly beloved and dutiful
son. An affectionate brother. A warm hearted and generous friend. In the
fervent hope of a
blissful reunion in a better world Through the merits of a merciful
Missing Plaque - Grave #24 |
Illegible - Grave #25 |
Lieutenant Colonel Charles
Knight, Grave #26 (Died July 21, 1841, Aged 51) "Here repose the remains of Lieutenant colonel Charles Knight of Her
Britannic Majesty's thirty third regiment who died on the 21, July, 1841, in
the 51, year of his age." |
Carl Eduard Bergeest, Grave #27
(May 28, 1822 to October 22, 1843) "Hier ruhet in Gott, Carl. Eduard. Bergeest, geboren in Hamburg d. 26.
May 1822, gestorben in St. Thomas d. 22 October 1843, der Eltern Segen folgt ihm nach" |
Unmarked - Grave #28
Unmarked - Grave #29
Unmarked - Grave #30 |
Hans Martin Colbiørnsen
Hesselberg, Grave #32A (May 1810 to July 1855) Denne grav gjemmer støvet af Hans
Martin Colbiørsen Hesselberg, født den 19de Mai 1810, død den 5te Juli 1855. Luthersk præst for den danske menighed
paa Sanct Thomas fra den 4de marts til den 5te juli 1855. Hans milde røst lød til os paa øerne langt borte. Han blev
elsket i sin fred og hensov i kjærlighed. Menigheden satte ham dette minde.
Peter Anton Frederik Baumann, Grave #32B (July 29, 1814 to August 12, 1857)
Præst ved de evangelisk lutherske menigheder på St. Thomas og St. Jan. Født i Danmark 29,
Juli 1814, død paa St. Thomas 12 August 1857.
Hans Martin Colbiørnsen Hansselberg, Pastor of
Frederik Lutheran Church, March 4, to July 5, 1885.
Peter Anton Frederik Baumann, Pastor of Frederik
Lutheran Church, February 1, to August 12, 1857. |
Eliza Johansen, Grave #32C (May 14,1923 to July 27, 2000)
She was born May 14, 1923 as Florencia Eliza Chawill on the island of
Tortola B.V.I. Florencia married Axel Victor Johansen, of Denmark
and the West India Company, on April 13, 1952.
Louis Du Plessis de Richelieu, Grave #33
(1821 to 1859)
Her hviler Louis Du Plessis de Richelieu Præst paa St. Thomas, Født i Danmark 1821, på St.
Thomas 1859. On the back of the stone is written: "Hans Børn satte ham dette
Minde 1921."
Louis Armand Emanuel Septimaie du Plessis de Richelieu, Pastor of Frederik Lutheran Church, St.
Thomas, January 27, 1858 to June 18, 1859.
Jens Christian Pedersen, Grave #34
(January 24, 1856 to July 11, 1940) "Jens Christian Pedersen, Lutheran pastor January 24,
1856 July 11, 1940. "We hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of hope firm in to the end."
Heb. 3:6"
. . . Outram Davis, Grave #35
" . . . memory of . . . Outram Davis of Boston Mass.ts of the firm Davis & Latimer, of this place who died November 15th 1855, aged
31 or 51 years." |
Otto Jacob Marstrand, Grave #36A
(August 24, 1809 to May 16, 1891)
"*24. August 1809 + 15 Mai 1891 Børn og børnebørn satte dette minde"
Anna D. Nissen, Grave #36B
"Født Gartner, +4 Novbr. 1848"
Anny D. Marstrand, Grave #36C
(November 25, 1819 to December 24, 1896)
"Født Nissen *25 Novbr. 1819 + 24 Decbr., 1896"
Patriarch of important merchant family of Charlotte Amalie Born in Denmark circa
1815, married in Charlotte Amalie October 4, 1845 Anna Dorothea Nissen. Consul for
Sweden-Norway; King's rep. For St. Thomas & St. Jan on Colonial Council,
Brand Major of St. Thomas Brand Corps, Knight of Dannebrog. (See: Kay Larsen's
Personalia of Data)
Franz Goldmann, Grave#37
(Died February 13, 1818)
"Franz Goldmann Gestorben den 13ten Februar 1818"
Illegible, Grave# 38A
Christian Goldmann & Theodor St. Andrew Schön, Grave #38B (December 8, 1780 to October 8, 1829) & (November 30, 1829 to July 5, 1830)
"Hier ruhen Christian Goldmann geb: in Wien d, 8t, Dec, 1780, gest: d, 8t,
October 1829 und Theodor Sr. Andrew Schön, geb d: 30t November 1829, gest: d: 5t, July 1830." |
Marie Louise Danielsen, Grave #39A
(October 14, 1824 to September 10, 1884) The tombstone reads: "Sacred to the memory of Marie Louise
Danielsen Born 14th October 1824, Died 10th September 1884. She has fought the good fight of faith and laid hold on eternal life
She opened her mouth in wisdom and in her tongue was the law of kindness."
The Danielsen Plot (so called in the deed). Marie Louise Danielsen October 14, 1824 - September 10, 1884, wife of
Bentzon Danielsen whom she married in Christiansted. She was the daughter of Dr. William Stephen Jacobs (1) & his wife,
Countess Juliette von Rantzow (2). Marie Louise Rantzau Jacobswas born in Christiansted & died in Charlotte Amalie.
William Sephen Jacobs (1)
Was born in Brussels, in 1770, Austrian Netherlands (today Belgium). He immigrated to
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, circa 1795; M.D. 1801, Medical School, University of
Pennsylvania;1804, immigrated to the Danish West Indies, lived in Christiansted where he
practiced medicine until his death in 1843.
Countess Juliette Maria Elisabeth von Rantzow (2)
Daughter of Count Julius Friedrich Louis von Rantzow (3) and his wife Elisabeth de Wint
Count Julius Friedrich Ludvig von Rantzow (3) (1770-1820) Was from an old noble family in Holstein. His
great-grandfather, Christopher von Rantzau was created an Imperial Count of the Holy Roman Empire by Emperor
Ferdinand III in 1651. Christopher's wife, Dorothea Hedwig, was the daughter of Friedrich, Duke of
Schleswig-Holstein-Norburg, grandson of Christian III, King of Denmark & of
Norway, a descendant of the Viking king, Gorm the Old who died in 936. ("Rantzau"
København, 1978) The mother of Friedrich von Rantzow was Louise Henriette Baroness von Brockenburg,
daughter of Prince Wilhelm Ludwig von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Anna Sophie of
Saxe-Fotha a descendant of Ferdinand I von Hapsburg, Holy Roman Emperor, King
of Bohemia, of Hungary, & Archduke of Austria. Ferdinand was the grandson of
Isabel & Ferdinand of Spain who sent Columbus on his voyages of discovery in the West
deutschen Staaten, Prinz von Wilhelm Karl Isenburg, Marburg, 1965)
Elisabeth de Wint (4)
Daughter of Gerrit Sprewert de Wint & his wife, Judith Heyliger of St. Eustatius. Gerrit
was the planter of sugar estates Lower Love and Bugby Hole on St. Croix. His great-
grandfather, Pieter de Wint is recorded with a plantage on the St. Thomas Land List
of 1700. ("De Windt Families of the West Indies: Part 2 Descendants of Pieterde Windt of
St. Thomas" by Henry B. Hoff, F.A.S.G. & The Rev. F. Kenneth Barta THE
GENEALOGIST, V 4, No.1, New York, Spring 1983) |
Josephine Danielsen Berg, Grave #39B
(1866 to 1953)
(Her ashes are deposited beneath a small bronze plaque between the marker of Marie Louise Danielsen and the
large marker of Jna Mylner. It is therefore hidden when the plot is viewed from the gate)
Josephine Alma Berg was the wife of Architect Carl Conrad Berg (6) whom she married on St. Thomas in
1888. The daughter of Marie Louise Jacobs and her second husband Bentzon Danielsen (5), she died in 1953
in Brooklyn, N.Y.
Bentzon Danielsen (5)
Merchant in Christiansted, was the son of Adam Koopman Danielsen and Helena Margaretha, Baroness von Bretton. He was born in 1826 on St. Croix & died in 1900 in Ponce, Puerto Rico. Adam was the son of Daniel Danialsen who came to Christiansted in 1780 as a baker. When he died (1802) he was the owner of an inn and tavern in Christiansted. Daniel married in 1793 (his 2nd) Anna Magdalena Koopman. Anna's parents were Adam Koopman, a planter on St. Croix in 1750, & his wife, Anna Volkers. Four of Ann's great-grandfathers were Lucas Volkers, a planter on St. Thomas before 1678; Capt. Reyneir Cleaver, a planter & merchant on St. Thomas before 1699; Jannis von Beverhoudt, a planter on St. Thomas by 1673/4; & Lt. Frantz Martens of the militia, a tavern keeper and planter on St. Thomas by 1684.
Bentzon's mother, Helena Margaretha, Baroness von Bretton was the daughter of Lucas Uytendaele, Baron von Bretton and his wife Maria Charlotte Maas. Maria's father, Johan Theodor Wilhelm Maas, cane to St. Croix in 1789 as the pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church in Christiansted. He married there, Elizabeth de Wint, another descendant of Pieter de Wint of St. Thomas. Lucas Uytendaele, Baron von Bretton, planter of the sugar estates "Rust op Twist" on St. Croix, was the son of Johannes Balthazar van Uytendaeke who was made a Danish baron with the title "Baron von Bretton" in 1767. Johannes Balthazar was a planter both on St. Thomas and St. Croix and a colonel in the militia. His wife was Anna Margaretha Rønneberg, the daughter of Johan Samuel Rønneberg who came to St. Thomas in 1688 as an official of the Danish West India and Guinea Company and had a plantage by 1697. His wife, Alida van Ockeren, was the daughter of Simon van Ockeren who had a plantage on St, Thomas by 1672. The parents of Johannes Balthazar were Johannes van Uytendaele, a planter on St. Thomas by 1708, and Marie le Breton the daughter of Jean le Breton a planter `on St. Thomas by 1688 and an ensign in the militia in 1690. Jean is recorded on a French map of St. Croix in 1684. The father of Johannes was Jost van Uytendaele who owned a plantage
on St. Thomas by 1690.
The above was researched in:
1.) SOME INFORMATATION ON THE ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY BARON VON BRETTON by C. E. H. Scholler (An English translation in the Enid Baa Library. Also in English translation in the Enid Baa Library are file cards on the members of the Bretton family from
2.) PERSONALIA OG DATA by Kay Larsen.
3.) "Bidrag til de dansk-vestindiske Øers Personhistrie. 1ste Afsnit: St. Thomas 1671-1733" E. Gullach-Jensen. PERSONALHISTORISK TIDSSKRIFT (7th ser.),
Carl Conrad Berg (6)
The husband of Josephine Alma Berg nee Danielsen; she was his third wife. Born in Copenhagen, he became a civil engineer and architect on St. Thomas; Brand Major of the
St. Thomas Brand Corps; Manager of the Floating Dock; elected member of the Colonial Council for the St. Thomas & St. Jan. He died in 1911.
Agnes Elizabeth Hill, Grave #39C
(December 27, 1848 to May 11, 1901) Her tombstone reads: "In memory of Agnes Elizabeth Hill * 27th Dec. 1848, +
18th May 1901. Asleep in Jesus." The daughter of Marie Louise Danielsen & her first husband, Merchant Marine
Capt. Joseph Hill of Philadelphia. |
Gerda Ethel Berg, Grave #39D
(January 7, 1896 to May 8, 1906) Her tombstone reads: "In the memory of Gerda Ethel Berg * 7 January
1896, + 8 May 1906. For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Daughter of Josephine Alma Berg and her husband, Carl Conrad Berg.
Jna Mylner, Grave #39E (1896 to 1919)
The inscription states as follows: "Her hviler min yndige hustru min søns kærlige moder Jna
Mylner, Født Berg * 1896. + 1919, ved
ulykke Svendaage of Palle Mylner ag Danmark." Jna Vivian Elisabeth was the daughter of Carl
Conrad Berg & his wife, Josephine Alma Berg. Jna was also the first wife of Engineer
Svend Mylner and the mother of Palle Ib
Mylner. |
Missing Plaque - Grave #40 |
I. F. C. Castonier, Grave #41A
(November 10, 1804 to January 20, 1867) The tablet reads: "Herunder hviler støvet af kammerherre oberst lieutenant. I. F. C.
Castonier, Født den 10de Novbr. 1804 død den 20de Januar 1867 Jeg er opstandelsen og livet, hvo som troer
paa mig, om han end døer, skal han dog leve. Joh. II Cap. 25 vers."
R. O. R. De Castonier, Grave #41B (August 6, 1848 to September 29, 1852)
"To the memory of a dear child, R. O. R. De Castonier Born 6th August 1848, Died 29th
September 1852."
Franz Christoffer Aquaeius Castonier Lt.; Gentleman of the BedChamber; Knight of Dannebrog. |
Svend Aage Mylner, Grave #42A
(April 15, 1890 to March 16, 1972) "In memory of my beloved husband Svend Aage Mylner Born: April 15. 1890. Died: March 16.
Civil Engineer and Dock Master of the West India Co. Husband of Jna Berg & father of Palle Ib
Amalia Mylner, Grave # 42C (December 9,
1910 to May 13, 200o) "In Memory of Amalia Mylner Born:
December 9, 1910 Died: May 13, 2000 From Jean and Frank and Karen,
Kurt and Karla." |
Palle Ib Mylner, Grave #42B (August 4, 1917 to January 8, 1997) "Palle Ib Mylner Capt US Marine Corps WWII and Korea. Aug 4 1917 Jan 8 1997".
The son of Svend Aage Mylner and Jna Berg, he was a painter, poet, and charming guide to innumerable Danish visitors. Capt. Mylner
U.S.M.C. served during WWII & the Korean conflict. |
Captain Roar Pedersen, Grave #43A
(1909 to 1980) "Captain Roar Pedersen Dockmaster West Indian Co. 1946-1976.
Born: Denmark 1909 Died: St. Thomas, V.I. 1980" |
Hein E. Christensen, Grave #43B
(November 16, 1908 to August 30, 1989) "Hein E. Christensen Born in Denmark Nov. 16, 1908 Died in St.
Thomas Aug. 30, 1989 In loving memory." |
Hans Christian Nielsen, Grave #44A
(September 19, 1885 to September 6, 1975)
"Hans Christian Nielsen Born: Jerslev, Denmark Sept. 19,
1885 Died: St. Thomas, V.I. Sept. 6, 1975"Ane Helene
Ane Heleme Nielsen, Grave #44B
(August 19, 1889 to June 28, 1989)
"Ane Heleme Nielsen Born Bjerre, Denmark Aug. 19, 1889
Died St. Thomas, V.I. June 28, 1989" |
Edna Nielsen, Grave #44C (September 10, 1917 to September 18, 1996)
"Edna Nielsen Born: St. Thomas, V.I. Sept. 10, 1917 Died: St. Thomas, V.I. Sept. 18, 1996" |
Walter Stubbs, Grave #45 (1800 to May 4, 1838)
"Sacred to the memory of Walter Stubbs (son of the late Rev'd J. P. Stubbs, 59 years vicar of Market Draytonian, Shropshire) died the 4th of
May 1838, aged 38- Sincerely and deservedly regretted by his Relations and Friends."
Unmarked - Grave #46
Unmarked - Grave #47
Plaque Missing - Grave #49
Jane M. Stubbs, Grave #48
(February 27, 1858 to June 20, 1934)
"In memory of Jane. M. Stubbs Born February 27th, 1858. Died June 20th, 1934. R.I.P."
Jane Martin Stubbs, daughter of Henry Richard & Caroline Augusta Stubbs. Her father was a "writing clerk". "Nennie" was a valued friend
of and housekeeper for Mrs. Alma Berg. |
Bottom half of broken plaque reads:
"Dead the 21st of July, 1866. Blessed are they who die in the Lord" Grave #50A
John Schmelling, Grave #50B "In memory of John Schmelling, infant son of Theodore and Emely
Schmelling, aged six weeks. This Jesus speaks - I fold these lambs
within my breast." |
Sophia Richardson, Grave #51
"Died June 25, 1932. R.I.P."
Unmarked - Grave #51B
Unmarked - Grave #51C
Plaque Missing - Grave #52 |
Unmarked - Grave #53
Unmarked - Grave #54
Initials: "AF" - Grave #55 |
Wallace S. Mackie, Grave #56
"Died Aug 31, 1946. R.I.P." |
Rebecca W.
Mackie, Grave #57 "Died Feb 1, 1943. R.I.P." |
William White, Grave #58 (July 26, 1838 to April 28, 1884)
"To the memory of William White Born in Edinburgh, Scotland the 26. July 1838, Died in St. Thomas the 28. April,
Franz Braun, Grave #59
(May 15, 1861 to September 16, 1890) "Hier ruht in Gott Franz Braun
geb. D. 15. Mai 1861, gest. d. 16. Sept b. 1890" |
Unmarked - Grave #60 |
Unmarked - Grave #61 |
Roselin Pretto, Grave #62
(Died November 4, 1936) "In loving memory of Roselin Pretto Died
Nov. 4 1936. Not dead, but sleepeth" |
Unmarked - Grave #63 |
Unmarked -
Grave #64 |
Unmarked - Grave #65 |
Unmarked - Grave #66 |
Unmarked - Grave #67 |
Thorsøe, Grave
#67A (November 14, 1911 to January 1, 1989) "Holger Thorsøe, 14-11
1911, 10-1 1989"
Alma Jensen Thorsøe, Grave #67B (December
11, 1910 to November 30, 2000)
Click Here to Learn More About Alma Thorsøe |
Unmarked - Grave #68 |
Leah Elizabeth Crowe,
Grave #69 (September 24, 1858 to December 10, 1886) "To the memory
of Leah Elizabeth Crowe Born in St. Croix on the 24th September 1858
Died on the 10th December 1886 Not a tear for her shall fall for so He
giveth His beloved sleep." |
Henriette Bierentszen,
Grave #70 |
Henrietta Barentzen, Grave
#71 |
Christian Bærentzen,
Grave #72 (May 22, 1818 to February 9, 1888) "Her hviler Christian
Bærentzen, Født i Helsingør den 22de Mai 1818, Død paa St. Thomas
den 9de Februar 1888" |